currently doing some lino (i.e. gouging out bits of my hand) in lovely sick-yellow and blue and black. it will be amazing, gonna try remember to do a mirror image next time though haha. it is for beautiful lyndsay but it's takin forever.
also been doing some nice observational drawing of various things and stuff.
and i did some work for an exhibiton ages ago, i drew some australian animals wot i saw in australia. i called it "antipodes". i did the whole thing in two weeks of some bad jetlagging.
anddddd i've started accidently collecting mugs
also now wearing a stylish elasticated ankle support on my...ankle, bet all the kids will be wanting soon. might try falling off my bike less.
and i knitted three green cardigans and a purple one and an orange one and some lamby hand cuffs and a top and a hat and designed some snazzy leggings and a jumper and sewn a purse.
and some more stuff