moving pictures

Animation for uni. They are not excellent. This is the first one, it had to start and end with a circle:

it was supposed to be 10 seconds long but for some reason it's 5. just watch it slowly.

This is the second one, which had to be 30 seconds long and include three words from a list; I chose 'train', 'bird', and 'paper plane'.

Rollo Press

It's Nice That is one of my absolute favourite websites, and the main cause for my dire financial situation (you don't need things until you know they exist...)

Whilst having a browse the other day I came across this article, an interview with Urs Lehni of Rollo Press. Rollo Press is a small print studio in Zurich, they use a Risograph printer to publish his own works, and those of friends and accomplices.

They describe their work using a very apt William Morris quote from Art and its Producers:

To own the means of production is the only way to gain back pleasure in work, and this, in return, is considered as a prerequisite for the production of (applied) art and beauty.

You can see Morris' maxim of "everything should be either purposeful or beautiful" here...

I may use this quote in my essay next term to illustrate the aims and reasons behind self-publishing. Unfortunately I can't fit it into my (already significantly over the word limit) essay proposal.

Adam Dant/Donald Parsnips

Adam Dant - The Theatre, Shoreditch, three-colour chiaroscuro woodcut, 2010

Whilst researching Adam Dant for both my essay and reprographic project, i came across this:, an article about printmakers' responses to Shakespeare by printmakers from RCA, on the Eye blog. There are some lovely examples of printmaking.

also this is an excellent article about Adam Dant, which talks about his early life and also his print The New Street Cries of Spittelfields. For five years he self-published a sort of daily newspaper which he distributed for free each day, which he described as "the strategy of the fine artist, confounding people with preposterousness". Definite links with dada there.

'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one'

I have been thinking about this quote (from A J Liebling) a lot, it is a central idea to my essay proposal. I am trying to talk about how folk art, play, and dada influence illustration through DIY self-publishing, especially self publishing as a folk tradition.

Here is a lovely little video about Mark Hearld, who is one of my favourite illustrators (and he
lives in York!)


This amazing website, Do Lectures, is very inspiring....a bit like TED, they are all about inspiration through doing. They invite people to give lectures about what they do...

when you listen to their stories, they light a fire in your belly to go and Do your thing, your passion, the thing that sits in the back of your head each day, just waiting, and waiting for you to follow your heart.

also they sell some pretty cool posters, this is my favourite (by Andy Smith), mostly because I never finish what I start.

LOTS OF THINGS i am excited about

Hello I went to see all the work in the Illustration Symposium exhibition in the Holden Gallery, in particular Jonny Hannah's. I was planning on writing my essay on one of them, however I couldn't find enough information so instead I'm writing about his piece for the Images 35 exhibition:

Also here is a lovely animation designed by Jonny Hannah (lots of Jonny Hannah at the moment), it's an interpretation of Charles Bukowski's The Man With the Beautiful Eyes and it is brilliant, I've got loads of ideas for my animation now.

And this is a brilliant website, the "Online Exhibitions" section has some nice nice things.

Jonny Hannah and essays and things


Jonny Hannah is doing an exhibition in the Holden Gallery on the 3rd and 4th November as part of the Illustration Symposium, how exciting! I'm planning on writing about one of his pieces for the "Analysis" part of my essay. I think I will go to the opening evening and canvass some opinions. He is one of my favourite illustrators.
